
Our Grove is growing and changing and we have made recent changes to the Grove bylaws. 

Please review the bylaws below in yellow

Thank you!

The Spiral Grove Board  

Spiral Grove


An Interpath Community of Nature Spirituality





Article I. Purpose. The Spiral Grove has been organized to fulfill the following purpose:



To co-create community that facilitates and implements holistic, interpath, nature-based spirituality in order to improve the quality of life in the community and the world by promoting an appreciation of diversity and providing for the arts, education, outreach, and ecologically sustainable living.



Article II. Goals. To co-create community that:



1. Gathers to celebrate (i.e. conduct interpath spiritual ceremonies) together at the Nature



Holidays and



 to perform rites of passage.



 (a) At least one open celebration will be organized and advertised for each Solstice, Equinox, and Cross-quarter day.



 (b) An “open celebration” means that any person including non-members who



harms none (see also policies and procedures) is welcome and that there will be an intention to create an atmosphere of acceptance of diversity by the circle facilitator(s). There



will be no discrimination based on race, age, sex, sexual orientation (whether gay, lesbian, straight, bi-sexual or transgender), physical appearance, religion, class, or physical



or mental disabilities. As an expression of our intention to create an atmosphere of inclusiveness, it is recommended that all enter each ritual saying, “In perfect love and perfect






2. To provide a framework and safe place to allow us to live, practice, and incorporate our



beliefs into daily life.



3. To facilitate interfaith dialogue and understanding.



4. To encourage various expressions of creativity.



5. To educate ourselves and the community at large.



6. To provide charitable services including ordination of clergy and spiritual healing.



7. To become a thriving, sustainable community offering a wide range of programs meeting



the needs of children, youth, and adults.



8. To create and foster nature preserves.



9. To create an effective, transparent, democratic, and inclusive organizational structure in



order to fulfill our purpose and provide for the community.



Article III. Membership.



Section 1. Individual Membership in Spiral Grove Community



Individual Members are welcome to participate in all Spiral Grove events and to receive the Spiral Grove’s emails announcements. They are welcome to vote in the planning of events at



Grove Councils. Membership dues are $15 yearly, payment plans possible. If a person



cannot afford the $15 dues they may request sponsorship and/or work exchange through



the Spiral Grove.



Section 2. Revocation of Membership (See Policies and Procedures)



Section 3. Group Membership. (i.e., Spiral Grove Circles)




 A spiritual group can have membership in Spiral Grove as a “Circle” if they act in



accordance with the stated goals and purposes of the Grove and will send at least one



representative to Spiral Grove Councils. If the circle desires, it can be listed on the Grove



website as a Spiral Grove Circle. Individual Grove Circles are free to limit their membership (e.g. to women only, men only, or a certain number of participants). They are also



welcome to focus on one spiritual tradition.



Section 4. Initial Membership.



The initial membership of the Spiral Grove shall consist of all persons 18 or older who



have indicated by Candlemas/Imbolc ceremony 2008 that they wished to be considered



members, had attended at least one Grove event, and had shown support for the Grove in



some way.



Article IV Corporate Officers



Section 1.



The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a



Treasurer, and such other officers as the Board of Directors may designate.



Section 2. Officer Qualifications:



All Officers must be Grove Members; the treasurer and anyone who can sign corporation



checks must be willing to be bonded.



Section 3. Election and Officers’ Terms



Each elected officer shall serve a term of two years, with the election being held at a



Board meeting at the start of the fiscal year.



Section 4. Officers Duties



The duties of the officers are defined below and will also include such additional duties



as may be required by the Board of Directors (BOD).



(a) President: The president shall oversee and lead the affairs of the corporation and will



coordinate and attend all the meetings of the BOD.



(b) Vice President: In the absence of the President or at the request of the President, the



VP shall perform the duties of the president.



(c) Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Grove



Councils and Meetings of the BOD in the books proper to that purpose, shall give or



cause to be given all notices of Grove Councils and meetings of the BOD, and all other



notices required by law or by these bylaws, be the custodian of all minute books, correspondence, and paper relating to the business of the corporation and BOD meetings, and



provide copies of previous minutes to Officers and BOD for review in determining



agenda for impending meetings.



(d) Treasurer: The treasurer shall report to the regular meetings of the BOD and the



Grove Quarterly Councils on the status of the Grove’s finances. The treasurer shall work



closely with any executive staff of the Corporation to ascertain that appropriate procedures are being followed in the financial affairs of the Corporation and shall perform such other duties as occasionally may be assigned by the Board of Directors.



Section 5. Resignations/Removals of Officers (see policies and procedures)



Article V: Board of Directors



Section 1.Definition.



The Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of 3 to 9 members of the Spiral Grove,



elected by the Spiral Grove voting membership. The BOD acts as a governing trustee of



the organization on behalf of the Spiral Grove community and its contributors, while carrying out the organizations missions and goals.



Section 2. Duties of the Board of Directors



a. Act in accordance with the Grove’s articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other governing



documents, as well as all-applicable laws and regulations.



b. Insure the legality, integrity, ethicality, and accountability of the corporation.



c. Ensure effective organizational planning.



d. Recruit and orient new Board members and assess Board performance.



e. Ensure adequate resources.



f. Plan annual budgets with the input from quarterly community councils and paid staff.



g. Select the chief executive (paid staff when budget allows).



h. Support the chief executive and assess her/his performance.



i. Enhance the organization’s public standing.



j. Determine, monitor and strengthen the corporation’s programs and services.



Section 3. Elections, Terms, Removal, Individual Board Member Duties.



(a) Election Eligibility; Any member of the Spiral Grove is eligible to apply to run for



election to the board of directors.



 Responses to the “Board Functioning” and “Self-Assessment” questionnaire(s) (see policies and procedures) are reviewed by the Board Recruiting Committee (refer to P&P



manual for Board Recruiting Committee) Those whom the committee feels qualify can



run for election.



 (b) Terms.



Board Members shall have two year terms with elections held bi-annually at the



first Grove Council of the fiscal year.



 (c) Removal.



If a member of the Grove community feels that board members are not living up to it’s



charge, he or she can bring up this complaint at a Quarterly Council and, if necessary, can



initiate an Inquiry (see policies and procedures manual.)



(e) Duties and Responsibilities of Individual Board Members:



 1. Know the Grove’s mission, purpose, values, goals, policies, programs, services,



strengths, and needs.



2. Perform the duties of Board membership responsibly.



3. Recommended: Chair an Ongoing Committee and/or at least one project a year.



4. Continue education 8 hours per year with any of the following activities:



Attendance at a relevant conference, workshop, or course; researching &



writing an article for publication; independently studying books, articles, Board Manuals



and submitting an outline plus a summary of the material; teach a workshop for the



Grove or other community.



5. Maintain confidentiality of Board Meetings.



 6. Suggest agenda items.



7. Avoid negligence, fraud, conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts of






8. Disclose conflicts of interest to the Board in a timely manner.



9. Read and understand financial statements.



10. Prepare for and participate in meetings.



11. Take turn facilitating Board Meetings.



12. Support Board decisions.



13. Assist in implementing fundraising strategies.



14. Oversee committees.



15. Mentor young people in the Grove Community who wish to learn administrative






Section 4. Board Meetings.



 (a) At least 1 BOD meeting is required per year, but it is recommended the BOD meet



quarterly, before each Council. Minutes are available upon request.



 When calling a special meeting, use phone tree and email (see p&p for reasons for



special meeting). If it is impossible for a Board member to attend a meeting, they



can vote by proxy. (see p&p)



(b) Quorum (necessary for all board meetings) -- A majority of the members of the board



constitutes a quorum.



(c) Meeting Process -- Rotate the job of facilitation; appoint next facilitator at end of



meeting. Utilize talking stick rounds and Robert’s Rules of Order as much as possible



(see also policies and procedures manual).



(d) Decision Making – The goal is to find 100% agreement, i.e. consensus. If no consensus is possible, a 2/3rd majority vote will decide. If after one round of talking stick



there is not a consensus, conduct a discussion with the goal of crafting a compromise



for no more than 30 minutes. If no consensus is possible, then take a vote until a 2/3rd



majority agrees.



Section 5.



Filling Vacancies (that occur before terms expire).The BOD will appoint with majority



agreement a temporary member until the next election.



Article VI Quarterly Community Councils



Section 1. Announcement Procedure.



Post the date of upcoming Council on the Grove website and over the Grove email list.



Section 2. Schedule and Purpose.



Anyone who has attended at least one Spiral Grove event is encouraged to attend the



quarterly council in order to carry on the work of Spiral Grove Community, to provide for



the exchange of ideas and information, and to develop community.



Section 3. Quorum.



 At least 3 Grove members including one Board member must be present to conduct a






Section 4. Procedure for conducting meetings.



Anyone can speak at Council, including children under 18. Facilitation of the Council’s



group process should be rotated among all who are willing and who read the policies and



procedures. Decisions are made as in Board meetings (see above). If it is impossible for



a member to attend due to illness or if they live more than one and a half hours away,



they can vote by proxy, provide a written circle or committee report, and/or participate



through virtual attendance. Utilize talking stick rounds and Robert’s Rules of Order as



much as possible.



Article VII: Committees



Section 1.



 Committees can be created as needed by the community at large after a proposal is



presented to and approved by the Board. The chair of the committee must report the



committee’s progress as required by the board. Committee budgets must be proposed to



the Board by October 31st. Committees created after the beginning of the fiscal year will



be approved on a case by case basis by the board.



Section 2. As Needed Standing committees .



1. Membership



2. Visioning/Manifesting



3. Policies and Procedures (Grievance Committee as needed)



4. Ordination Training



5. Education



6. Youth



7. Security



Article VIII: Amendments to the By Laws



Section 1. Procedure to Amend By-laws.



An amendment must be passed by a consensus of members at a Grove council



where at least a majority of the BOD is in attendance.



 The amendment must be discussed and initially proposed at a Council, then it must be



sent out over email, announcing the vote will take place, then voted on at a subsequent






Article IX: Remuneration



No salaries shall be paid to Board Members or Officers of the Corporation because the



Grove is non-profit.



Article X: Books and Records



Section 1.



Complete books and records of account as well as minutes of Board of Directors and



Grove Councils shall be available for Community review.



Section 2. Fiscal Year.



The fiscal year shall run from January 1-December 31.



By Laws Adopted: January 6, 2008



Initial Board of Directors:



1. Terry Eller (Willow).



2. Antoinette White (Maya).



3. Carolyn Hearn (Phenix).



4. Gretchen Comer (Cellina).



5. Alex Comer (Glasshawk).



6. Elisa Schwartz (Arlia).



7. Mary Kupper (Ruby).



Amendment History:



January 4, 2009 ~ Spiral Grove Council voted to delete the following from the Bylaws:



"Article III Section 3. Membership Year begins and ends Oct. 31. Balance of dues and written commitment



to work must be submitted between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31."



Article VI, Section 4. Virtual attendance at Council and written circle or committee reports are permitted if



member can’t attend due to sickness or living and hour and a half or more away from the meeting site.



April 2011: Article VII, Section 2. Deleted Events Committee from list of standing committees.



October 2, 2011: Deleted Article 3, Section 2. Moved subsequent sections upward.




Thank you for taking a few moments to review the bylaws and for sending us your comments. 

The Spiral Grove Board